After working together on 2010’s highly-successful drama ‘Dear John’, Nicholas Sparks and producer Marty Bowen have joined forces on two new projects… the film adaptation of “SAFE HAVEN” and the television show “THE WATCHERS”, which revolves around the Archangel Raphael, who after spending centuries as a Watcher and invisibly providing support to humans in the time of need, decides to cut off his wings out of love for Sarah, a mortal woman, so that he can truly be with her for the rest of her days.
From the ‘Twilight’ series to ABC’s hit drama “Revenge”, Marty is a highly accomplished producer and both he and Nick will executive produce “THE WATCHERS” for ABC. Nick is currently working on the script for the show and “SAFE HAVEN” will start shooting in a few months.
Stay tuned for more news on both projects, and to get a taste of what may be in store for the show, make sure you tune into “Revenge” on ABC Wednesdays at 10/9pm Central!